
Digital disruption can be a self-fulfilling prophecy: A threat to businesses that view it that way, but a rich opportunity for those who see it as a way to deliver on core strategy, delight customers and operate smarter and faster. Our digital experts help companies across all industries, regions and growth stages to determine not what digital will do to them, but what they will do with digital.

  • Leading a Digical transformation in insurance - Insurers are looking for strategies to fuse the best of both digital and physical worlds. Here’s a practical guide to a successful conversion.
  • Digital-physical mashups - As the digital revolution progresses, companies must fuse their digital and physical worlds.
  • Reimagining IT for an omnichannel world - The technology that powers retail is evolving rapidly. Retailers and their IT groups will have to rise to stay ahead.


Digital experiences, such as online shopping and mobile apps, are now a standard part of daily life. Leading companies recognize that new digital technologies present multiple growth opportunities, including delighting their customers with heightened convenience and customization options, leveraging the wealth of data trails from digital activity to get even closer to the customer and using technology to operate faster and better.

Digital leaders are capitalizing on macro forces that are affecting daily change in the way companies think about their brand, their products, their service experience. We help our clients invest wisely by working with them to answer the key questions business leaders are asking about digital:

  • I have initiatives in progress but need a clear roadmap. What will matter most and how do we get there?
  • Where should we be shifting to digital marketing, spending less to get more? What can we be doing real time?
  • How can we keep up with new and nimble competitors? What will it take to increase our speed of innovation, delivery and learning?
  • How can we make the right IT investments to support our digital aspirations? How do we develop a technology operating model that enables the delivery and operational capabilities needed to deliver on our digital priorities?
  • Customers are interacting less in our physical channels—how do we make the most of in person interactions and how can digital help in-store?
  • With a shift to online, how can I justify my physical infrastructure and costs? What are the best options to get costs out?
  • How do we develop next generation capabilities that allow us to adapt as we go?

With the field quickly emerging and advancing, ExpertActions experts from across our industry and capability areas—including Strategy, Organization, Information Technology, Customer Strategy & Marketing, Consumer Products and Financial Services. Our digital consultants help our clients achieve digital leadership. Using a robust set of proprietary tools, we work with clients to create highly customized roadmaps based on their unique circumstances and needs. Our approach to digital transformation is guided by four distinctive elements:

1. We start with the consumer. We use the latest and most relevant consumer intelligence to inform strategy, rather than building upon existing infrastructure and operations that may or may not fit emerging marketplace demands.

2. We build organizations that are adaptive. In the ever-changing digital world, reactionary quick fixes won't cut it for long. We help companies create the capacity to continuously innovate through such processes as rapid prototyping, test and learn and customer learning loops, so that the investments in digital lead to sustainable growth even in a tumultuous marketplace.

3. We develop robust technology operating models. Our holistic approach addresses all elements of IT and ensures that our clients have the right technology foundation in place to support their digital aspirations.

4. We take a proactive approach to change management. The best-laid strategy can sink if employees choose to resist it. From day one, we help clients think about how to drive a cultural mindset shift within the organization, involving change champions to co-create and roll out the plan.