
We believe that to be successful, sustainability and corporate responsibility must be embedded in the core of our clients’ strategy and operations. We work with private and public sector organizations to identify emerging opportunities and develop robust business cases to address a variety of issues, ranging from resource scarcity to fair trade, to foster a competitive advantage and long term growth. In short, we help make sustainability sustainable.

  • Honing talent through sustainability - Three things companies can do to improve their sustainability agenda to attract talent and improve employee productivity.
  • Growth through sustainability - More than just the cost of doing business, sustainability can be a growth platform.
  • Why energy efficiency deserves a second look - Why energy efficiency deserves a second look


Our clients have benefitted from our data-driven analysis, practical insights, and methodologies to address sustainability and corporate responsibility in their organizations. We work to ensure that sustainability efforts are anchored in business fundamentals and demonstrate a clear return on investment and that those efforts are then firmly embedded within our clients' strategy and operations.

Our clients in the private, public and social sectors have become more sustainable and socially responsible by implementing renewable energy policies and managing sustainable supply chains, by building the knowledge and capabilities to prepare for and respond to changing regulations, and by developing approaches to address key social issues across their employees, their customers and the broader community.

Sustainability encompasses all aspects of sustainable business practices, addressing relevant social, environmental, regulatory and human-welfare issues responsibly and profitably. Suppliers, employees, customers, shareholders, governments and communities all have specific agendas that need to be understood and managed. Companies need to take control of their sustainability agenda before others try to do it for them. Doing so also means accepting responsibility for the full value chain, not just a company's direct footprint.

Our experience in guiding clients in this increasingly important strategic area shows that:

  • To prioritize their sustainability issues—which are not necessarily the issues in the headlines in any given week. Companies will have different sustainability issues rise to the forefront based on their industry, their strategy and operations and their geographical footprint, among other considerations. Sustainability issues need to be evaluated through additional lenses, including the implications of new regulations on your business, the cost (or savings) of addressing the issue, the impact on customer demand for your products or services and how it affects your ability to recruit and retain employees.
  • Ensuring that any moves make strategic sense and are backed up by sound business cases. In other words, by integrating sustainability decisions with traditional analysis, companies can figure out how to gain a competitive advantage over the long term.