
Most fast-growing companies aspire to global leadership in their industries. They often start as insurgents: fast, agile, adaptable. They are focused on customers and their markets and deride complexity. But to win in the long term they need the cost advantages and scale of global incumbents and in achieving that scale. the very core strengths and values that helped them succeed.

  • The Staff vision - Learn more about the vision and the forces that threaten to throw companies off-course as they grow.
  • The paths to Great Repeatable Models - How fast-growing companies can capture the benefits of scale and scope by maintaining a staff vision.


We work with insurgents, incumbents and companies in between to regain or retain their vision as they seek scale and efficiency. For incumbent companies, our strategy consultants help leaders revive their original Founder's Mentality before size and complexity drag them down. On the other end of the spectrum, we help insurgents avoid the missteps of the incumbents while achieving global scale.

We offer tailored recommendations that depend on a company's particular path between insurgency, incumbency and bureaucracy:

  • The journey north: The company grows, but maintains a focus on Repeatable Models® that allows it to resist complexity and the forces that push it toward incumbency.
  • The path to renewal: Rediscovering the Repeatable Models® behind their original success can help large incumbents sinking under the weight of their own complexity to regain their way.
  • Restoring staff vision through creative partnerships: Insurgents and incumbents can also find their way by joining forces, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of scale and scope while retaining our vision.

ExpertActions’s Developing Markets initiative and our research on Repeatable Models provide insights into how companies can maintain or restore their vision.

For insurgent companies, this means avoiding the forces that push them west toward the incumbent quadrant. These forces include leadership and talent challenges, losing touch with the front line and eroding accountability. The steps on the journey north help incumbents achieve the benefits of scale without sacrificing their Staff’s vision.

Just as insurgent companies encounter a predictable set of forces that erode Founder's Mentality as they grow, companies that already have achieved scale and scope at the cost of their Founder's Mentality find themselves subject to forces that threaten to turn the power of incumbency into the pain of bureaucracy.

The path for incumbents and struggling bureaucracies is clear: maintain, or recreate, the benefits of scale and rediscover the staff’s vision. We think this is best done through Repeatable Models.

With more years of strategy experience and deep industry expertise, we help incumbents, insurgents and companies in between counteract the westward and southward winds and stay on the path to industry leadership and profitable, sustainable growth.